When I was a kid, my father bore a striking resemblence to Clark Kent. Bespectacled, raven-haired, square-jawed and (for the most part) mild mannered, it was not hard for an imaginative youth such as myself to suspect that perhaps my dad really was Kal-el of Krypton, known to the world as Superman. Boy am I glad that wasn't the case:

From my new favorite website,, we find irrefutable evidence that Superman is a dick. Ted Sharron on the other hand is totally not a dick. If anyone can find evidence of Ted being a dick (preferably in comic book form) I'd like to see it. But untill then I'd like to wish him a Happy Father's Day and thank him for not being a dick. Like Superman.

From my new favorite website,, we find irrefutable evidence that Superman is a dick. Ted Sharron on the other hand is totally not a dick. If anyone can find evidence of Ted being a dick (preferably in comic book form) I'd like to see it. But untill then I'd like to wish him a Happy Father's Day and thank him for not being a dick. Like Superman.
I like how on my computer at least your dad is a little box with a question mark.
G'damnit, how come nothing ever works for you. Did I fix it?
does this mean mom isn't lois lane, either?
Yes, I think I sort of AM Lois Lane, since my name is so similar in its alliteration and length.
It works now.
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