"What is a blogger?"
Markos Moulitsas of the DailyKos, the world's greatest political blogger, takes on Brian Lamb of C-SPAN, the world's greatest professional dumbass.

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Brian is a better professional dumbass than the second greatest professional dumbass (Charlie Rose) because he isn't really a dumbass, he just plays one on TV. See, Charlie's an idiot who knows how to sound like he knows what he's talking about. Brian, on the other hand, is a genius who really knows everything (you ever see "Booknotes"? He actually read all those freakin' books!) but knows how to sound like he knows absolutely nothing about what he's talking about. Charlie fakes passion and interest, Brian fakes stone cold ignorance. If Charlie bullshits with some goofy architect for a half hour about nothing, he's satisfied. If Brian doesn't get a direct answer to every boring, expository question he asks, he's failed. Charlie treats his guests like old friends at some god awful cocktail party full of post-modern super-geniuses. Brian Lamb treats his guests like the phone book. He sucks information out of them with the cool, vaguely bored efficiency of a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon. I don't know why they sent all those redneck fascist porn freaks to Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Send Brian Lamb! He's our secret weapon. He is the greatest interviewer of all time ever on TV bar none. FuckCavett, fuckLarryKing, fuckBarbaraWalters, fuckCarson! fuckall'yall!
Kos is good too.

[Click the pic to see the video]
Brian is a better professional dumbass than the second greatest professional dumbass (Charlie Rose) because he isn't really a dumbass, he just plays one on TV. See, Charlie's an idiot who knows how to sound like he knows what he's talking about. Brian, on the other hand, is a genius who really knows everything (you ever see "Booknotes"? He actually read all those freakin' books!) but knows how to sound like he knows absolutely nothing about what he's talking about. Charlie fakes passion and interest, Brian fakes stone cold ignorance. If Charlie bullshits with some goofy architect for a half hour about nothing, he's satisfied. If Brian doesn't get a direct answer to every boring, expository question he asks, he's failed. Charlie treats his guests like old friends at some god awful cocktail party full of post-modern super-geniuses. Brian Lamb treats his guests like the phone book. He sucks information out of them with the cool, vaguely bored efficiency of a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon. I don't know why they sent all those redneck fascist porn freaks to Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Send Brian Lamb! He's our secret weapon. He is the greatest interviewer of all time ever on TV bar none. FuckCavett, fuckLarryKing, fuckBarbaraWalters, fuckCarson! fuckall'yall!
Kos is good too.
My daughter tells me that my previous communication defending Brian Lamb was wholly unnecessary because you were actually complimenting him on merely PRETENDING to be a dumbass when he clearly is the opposite. Apparently I am the true dumbass, forgive me Elliot and Brian!
Not only is he "pretending" to be a dumbass, but being a dumbass is his job. A job he does brilliantly with efficiency and grace.
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