"There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance."

Out of respect for his work as an actor, a hero, and a student of the history of psychiatry the FlossBlog has made the editorial decision to ignore Tom Cruise's recent bizarre behavior and give America's Greatest Living Film Actor a pass. Boy was that a fucking mistake.
The kid's flipped his wig. On Today, the other day, he got all up in Matt Lauer's grill for suggesting that perhaps Tom has no business telling Brooke Shields which perscription anti-depressants to take or not take. Tom seems to have confused an adult woman getting pharmaceutical help for her post-partum depression after consulting her doctor with "psychiatric abuses of electric shocking people, okay, against their will". I'm not ashamed to say, I've taken precription anti-depressants before and at Science Camp I made a little electro shocker device in electronics class with my little diodes and resistors and soldering iron. I can attest to the fact that they are exactly the same thing. I can also attest to the fact that Tom Cruise is crazy as fuck and scientology is some serious bullshit. And Battlefield Earth is the worst fucking movie of all time.
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