Morning in America
I'm watching the Today Show and George Clooney and his dad have come back from Darfur. They're sitting around with Katie and jibber jabbering about the big question about why the white folks of the world who run everything and have all the money and armies don't seem to give a shit about 2 million black refugees and 200,000 dead Africans. Katie coins a phrase (totally impromtu, no doubt) and postulates a case of "International Crisis Fatigue". Too late. We're tired. Had Darfur come before the War, the Tsunami, the Hurricane, maybe the African Genocide would've been at the top of the list. It's like, "Another international crisis that the world's sole remaining indespensible superpower is doing fuck-all about. Get in line." Nobody mentions the basic historical fact that the United States and the West have a long history of simply not-giving-a-fuck about the systematic destruction of the black race. Next question. Katie wants to know if George is spreading himself thin, pushing too many different issues. For exmple, the environment, the war, how Bush sucks, and Africa. Is that too much for Americans to keep up with, George Clooney? Do you think maybe it would help if you would focus on, like, one issue. Maybe like a main issue and sort of side, related issue. Oh crap, out of time. Moving on, now it's a report about Supersize Appliances. And Shakira after a word from our sponsors.
white people don't care because they don't have to and they don't understand. If white people were made to understand the suffering that other people (races) go through the world would certainly be different. I certainly feel sorry for whatever is going on in Africa, but I also say that they have to deal with it themselves. In Europe we had 2 huge wars! Now we're united.
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