Product Placement

I don't like to pimp corporate product like all those other sellout bloggers. But every now and then I buy something that does exactly what I want it to do and I get so excited I have to tell everyone I know about it. So with out further ado, I'd like to thank the good people at Terro for helping me kill the fuck out of all the ants that have been invading my apartment. I admit it, I've left a crumb or two laying about the apartment. I know it's hard being an ant in this world and an ant's got to get fed. That's all well and good. But when my girl brings me a box of Milk Duds and you and your fucking antmob crawl up in that cardboard box and chow down like you own the fucking carmamel goodnesses. That's when I whip out the fucking Terro. A few little dabs on a few cardboard slabs and with in minutes the ants were sucking down Borax like it was going out of style. Whole big black nasty stream of the fuckers just lappin' it up and taking it back to Queenie in the nest. Now they're all dead. Moowahahaha.
Moral of the story:
Do Not Fuck With My Milk Duds
you sellout whore!!! whats next? ad banners? why not talk to the toms of maine people and you can pimp their floss too!!
sadenned flosser
Been there, done that.
And Tom's of Maine sucks, you hippie. Their deodarant makes you smell like Jerry Garcia.
I myself have had an ant situation and also found this manufacturer of help in my distress.
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