Sunday, July 10, 2005
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elliot, the video i really would have paid to see would be video of your face the first time you saw this scene. it would be like the american idol video, but with floss, and sexy teenagers!
Like how much would you pay. I do reenactments. What're we talking, like $10, $20? Work with me here.
a reenactment? no thanks. you didn't tape it, and now we're just going to have to live with that.
in other news, i was cruising your archives and found a photo of you in the afscme for dean shirt. nostalgia!!
I never did complete the set with an AFSCME for Kerry shirt. I'm sure they're going for like $.50 a pound on eBay.
do you remember the weird joe lieberman chants at that rally? i think i've blocked most of them out. the only thing i really remember is the guy giving us the shirts, and you chanting "solidarity is the shit!" and then chris jackson got punched in the face.
And I think Tasha got elbowed by some Kerry firefighters and almost went postal...
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