Saturday, September 03, 2005

Scary Question

I'm fairly poor. I don't own a car. What if one of these does one of these again only bigger and lava starts flowing towards Portland. Is there a plan for someone to bus me out? Or do I have to get a ride from theDanimal?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you decide to live there, you have to face the consequences.

6:01 PM  
Blogger E said...

Okay, sure. That's one way to go. On the other hand, maybe we could just come up with a plan to evacuate people. Something involving buses and shelters perhaps? So we could do it your way, where everyone who can't get out because they're too poor or can't drive stay and "face the consequences" (aka burn to death in molten lava) or we could do it my way where the poor people are evacuated on buses. So I admit, there are some positives to your plan. I mean besides all the wanton and unecessary death and destruction there's a definite moral framework there where people face consequences for choices and stuff. With my plan people do get let off the hook a little bit for failing to plan. But in my plan they're still alive and evacuated so they have a chance to learn a lesson and make better choices in the future. In your plan, they're dead from all the molten lava and lack of evacuation plan. So they won't have an opportunity to comprehend how their own personal choices and lack of rational decision making led to this situation. Because they'll be dead and on fire.

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hot Liquid Magma

4:46 AM  

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