Friday, May 05, 2006

Another Bad Creation

On the night after the CIA director resigns mysteriously in front of the backdrop of a scandal which might involve gay hookers (nasty rumor mongering and pure speculation, no doubt, but that's why you read blogs after all) and a day after a former CIA analyst called Don Rumsfeld a liar to his lying liar face and with nuclear apocalypse pending in Iran based on the same know-nothing "intelligence" that got us into war with Iraq, you'd think maybe tonight would be a good night for ABC's Nightline to do a story on the CIA and how fucked up it is these days. Maybe tomorrow night, because tonight it's the very real and very absurd issue of rich little white kids who can't get into fancy-pants pre-school in Manhattan. Like. I. Give. A. Fuck.

Nothing about Head Start funding getting slashed. Not a peep about iniatives to provide Pre-K education to everybody. Just adworable little bubbies who can't get into duh 92nd St. Y, no they can't. No pwee skool for you! Here, suck on your trust fund and play Pokemon on your dual-screen Gameboy.


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