Brushes With Fame Part 1
I'm going to try to rock a series of these. If you could help out by videotaping yourself recounting a chance encounter with a famous person, please send them in Quicktime format to If you need help making little computer movies email me and I'll try to help. And if you want to brush your hair or your teeth while you tell your story that would be really really funny. Brushing your teeth is probably funnier than brushing your hair which is more creepy/funny but you know, whatever, I want it to be your BRUSH with fame, you know. Do whatever you want. Whatever you feel comfortable with. Maybe you could brush your cat. Or your cat's teeth. That'd be a good one. I'm just throwing out ideas here...

click to play

click to play
Hey, that was really funny. It was especially funny to me for some reason because I never really "got" Kurt Vonnegut, so he already has this aura of mystery....But that is not what this comment is about. Can I make a suggestion? It's just that all of your movies are made in your living room. Except for the disjecta one. Where's the one of Chris and Eric and Tim dancing around naked in the storefront? I've been waiting on that one. How about Laurelhurst park? It's summer....I mean, if you're working on a certain aesthetic, and that's your thing, then that's totally cool....but I thought I'd brainstorm a little here on your behalf.
goddammit, elliot, i have great stories about chance encounters with chris matthews, ted koppel, and george stephanopolous, but no video camera! what's a girl to do? i could send sketches, but i can't fucking draw either. god.
stefanie: you should...A.) borrow a camera and use iMovie. Or B.) give me a call between 11 and 3pm Pacific (so 2pm-6pm eastern) and leave me a voice mail message with your story and I'll do an audio version.
If you'd like to make a movie with me in the park i'd love to. I get nervous taking my camera outside the house. I've got a good movie of Tim on my porch coming soon. And way to spoil the whole naked dancing movie surprise. Jeez louise.
Oops, sorry about that...I'm looking forward to it anyway. Maybe it's best that it's not a surprise. We should totally do our own version of "Swan Lake" at the park. Sweet....
elliot, i might be willing to do the audio thing, but only if you make a video of you lip-synching my audio, like in those citibank identity theft commercials. that would be totally boss.
yo, bro, you should do the story of frank purdue. remember that?
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